Favourite holidays of English People

The colourful and Many Favourite holidays of English People

New Year’s Eve and New Year Day

The British celebrate a range of holidays. However, four holidays that hold prominence, as favourite holidays of English People are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, and the first Monday in May. The British celebrate December 31, New Year’s Eve, of each year, with fireworks, dancing and partying. As the Big Ben strikes midnight ushering in the New Year, people sing the age old ‘Auld Lang Syne’ remembering their old and new friends.

Candlemas Day

The British celebrate Candlemas Day every 2nd of February. In the past, people believed that Candlemas Day denotes the end of the Christmas season which covers 40 days. People take the number of candles they intended lighting over the year to church and get them blessed on this day. It is a popular tradition that continues to this day.

Valentine Day February 14

On February 14, the English celebrate Valentine day. Not only the English but also people in most countries celebrate this day. It is the day to express love and affection towards those whom they love. The day remembered after a saint in Rome, but there are other beliefs as well in which Saint Valentines had come from Italy or Interamna. But most popular belief links the Saint from Rome, who sacrificed his life for protecting his belief in Christianity.

Wales and Ireland National Days, Pancake Day

March 1 is the national day of Wales which is also called St. David’s Day. March 17 is St. Patrick Day, and it is the national day of Ireland. Even though national days are not public holidays in England, these two days are official holidays. On March 4, the English celebrate Pancake day. Almost everyone in the UK prepares Pancakes on this day. It is also known as Shrove Tuesday. The period of Lent begins on the Pancake day.

Lent, Mothering Day

People avoid eating delicious food during Lent, which falls in March. People stay away from wrong doing mentally and physically during the Lent period and try to purify their souls. They also clean their houses during this time. On March 30, the British celebrate Mothering Day. Other countries celebrate this as Mothers’ Day. Children pay homage to their mothers on this day throughout the world by offering them gifts.

Maundy Thursday and Easter holiday

Maundy Thursday falls in April. It is also known as Holy Thursday. Easter, a three-day celebration, begins with Maundy Thursday when Jesus Christ had the last supper with his apostles. The most important three days begins after that. Jesus’ crucifixion and death are on Good Friday and His resurrection on Easter Sunday.

April 1st All Fools’ Day, Notting Hill Carnival

Favourite holidays in April include All Fools’ day which falls on April 1. The International Labour Day falls on May 1. It is not only in the UK, but every country celebrates this day. In June, the UK enjoys holidays for Trooping the colours and Wimbledon Tennis Tournament. In August, there is Notting Hill Carnival and in September, they celebrate Harvest Festival.

Halloween Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day

Halloween day falls on October 31. It is another vastly popular celebration in the UK. Remembrance Day falls on November 11, and Christmas falls on December 25th which is the most enjoyable season in the UK and the Christian world. The following day is Boxing Day.