simple English

How Can I Learn Simple English?

English has become a real international language over the past few decades, and an essential knowledge of rudimentary, simple English is now an essential prerequisite for success in all areas. Its status as Lingua Franca around the world further solidifies with English being recognised as the official language of many countries around the world. For those considering learning English, as a second language it is best to start by learning simple English. It builds essential knowledge of English to attain the ability to speak and comprehend rudimentary English words and phrases. Acquiring at least this level of beginners English will enable students to travel around English speaking countries without much difficulty and will most importantly lay a sound foundation to begin an in-depth study of the language.

To learn simple English students should first master English greeting. Listen to native English speakers greeting each other. Understand the timings of these greetings and the situational application of these greeting for example. One may say “good night!” whilst going to bed in the night time. However, the same salutation cannot be used when taking a nap in the afternoon. Students should pay attention to when and where these greetings and salutations are used and understand the appropriate situations to use each of them.

Students must also learn basic words and phrases. These are “Please,” “Thank you,” “Can you help me please,” “Please say that again,” “I understand” and “I don’t understand.” Students must learn when to use these phrases as well as other variations of these phrases as well. It is equally as important for students to know the appropriate responses to certain phrases for example to say “you’re welcome” when thanked by another person. Students should also learn how to introduce themselves and make an acquaintance i.e. asking names and other such information. It is also beneficial for students to spend some time learning basic sentence structure as speaking in properly constructed sentences will make it easier to be understood by strangers when travelling. Students should also focus on learning important questions such as asking directions or time and also some phrases for use in emergencies. Consider learning phrases such as, “Help! Call an ambulance/police/doctor” as these may be useful when traveling alone.

One of the best ways to learn simple English is via the internet. English Club TV is one of the best-rated internet resources to learn English. Programmes such as “E-lab Survival English” are specially designed to teach international students travelling/working/living in English speaking countries.