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How to improve your English fluency

Conversational English, just like grammar, needs constant practice. To overcome the language barrier, start speaking fluently and correctly, you need to develop your reading speed and constantly expand your active vocabulary — the number of words that you regularly use in your speech.

Learn to think in English and constantly practice your language skills

Here are some recommendations for those who want to develop their spoken language and learn to speak quickly in English:

1. Constantly learn new words. The more English words you know, the more conversation topics you can cover. In addition, having learned the pronunciation and meaning of the word, you will easily remember similar sounding words.
2. Learn stable expressions and cliché phrases. The learned speech stamps will help you to answer questions or ask them fluently, not wasting your time for thinking about the correct constructions of sentences.
3. Use special textbooks. There are various books for the improvement of oral speech, containing topics for conversation, lists of keywords, new phrases and recommendations for speed reading and correct pronunciation.
4. Work with audio and video materials. Listen to audiobooks, learn songs by heart, watch video lessons with subtitles, repeat the phrases and try to catch the pace of the native English speaker’s speech.
5. Read aloud as soon as possible. This will help you not only improve your pronunciation and increase your reading speed, but also learn new words and phrases.
6. Do not use online translators to translate texts from your native language into English. Most likely, word order in English sentences will differ from the order of words in sentences in your native language. Use the phrases that you learned and do not focus on studying hard grammar rules, learn to speak fluently, simply and clearly.
7. Communicate with native speakers. There are many specialized sites where you can meet native speakers of any language, including English. Communicating with another person, you will improve your speaking and writing skills.

How to speak English with confidence

There are also several psychological recommendations to learn to speak calmly, correctly and understandably.

— Keep calm. Your English-speaking interlocutor, like you, can feel embarrassed. In addition, all native speakers are sympathetic to English learners. Stay calm and you will speak clearly, not confusing words.
— Speak slowly. Pause, trying not to miss words. Pay attention to the literacy of speech, make simple sentences choosing the right expression and words.
— Do not stop when you hear unfamiliar words. Try to catch the general ideas expressed by your interlocutor, not paying much attention to words, the meaning of which you do not know. Thus, you will not lose the thread.
— Do not be afraid to ask your interlocutor to repeat what they said. Ask questions if you cannot keep pace with them in a conversation. Ask them to explain the expressions you are not familiar with in more simple words.
— Pronounce phrases in English as often as possible. Read aloud, reason, try to think in English. Do not hurry up! Practice pronunciation and the pace of speech in order to feel more relaxed and confident in a real conversation.