English for business

The Importance of English for Business Success

Business matters apart from those who have a constant, and continuous income everyone is more or less dependent on their company. If you are conducting your own business then, there is much more burden on your shoulders than you are working for a separate business entity. Simple explanation – in addition to maintaining your company, you have to make it a success on your own.

English language is vital for that success you have in your mind for your enterprise. A sound knowledge of English enables effective communication with your potential customers. When you advertise your business, greet your customer, execute transactions, follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction, English comes handy. It is the key to customer relationship management, unlocking opportunities that bring profit.

Due to its worldwide acceptance, English language has become a much sought after go-between in global business. Being a world language that can be understood by eight people out of ten, English is considered as a top choice for language learners. Even more so if they wish to make their presence known in their future business endeavours.

If your English for business is fluent, it gives you a competitive edge against other businesspersons in your industry. The majority of people would understand your message a lot better. Irrespective of his/her race or religion, you can also win the confidence of your customer more quickly. Moreover, you can keep the bargaining power of your client at check and drive the negotiations your way.

So how about acquiring a bit of knowledge in English for business and improve your business along the way? It sounds great, but if you don’t have the time? You have time but do not have anyone to teach you? Do not let trivial hindrances deter you. ECTV is at your side. Your level of English knowledge can be anything. We would start with where you are and fulfil your expectations.

Just sit at your PC and click play. That is all there is to it. Decide your own time. Determine your level. Select the host of your preference. Everything you need to catch up is there in video mode. No matter the level you are in whether it is basic, intermediate, upper intermediate or advanced, we guarantee that when you leave your PC you are up one level.

We at ECTV never teach you English for business directly. What we do is we bring you interesting programmes of travel, entertainment and education. Lots of fun activities you can practically engage in real life are also there. Keep on watching these videos and enjoy them. All programs are tailor made to suit beginners in English. Programme casters would speak slowly with their speech indicated in subtitles. You would find without even you knowing it your English has got a lot better.

Happy learning! We mean business!