Abdallah Jaber from Jordan uses a range of English tenses to describe the word “PERFECT”
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Episode 8 / 9
Episode 1
In One Word is a unique programme that addresses…
Episode 2
This time the camera focuses on Bernd Knufer from…
Episode 3
She is Spanish. But she makes her voice heard…
Episode 4
The “ADVENTURER” word described by Anton Ivanov from Russia
Episode 5
Olga Butenko from Ukraine focuses on the “RAINBOW” word
Episode 6
The “DREAMING” word described by Richard Pontes from Angola
Episode 7
The “YEAH” word described by Dilibe Arthur from Nigeria
Episode 8
Abdallah Jaber from Jordan uses a range of English…
Episode 9
The “AWESOME” word described by Matehen Yurt from Turkey