British garden birds

Popular British garden birds

Bird watching is both an exciting and relaxing activity. It brings any birdwatcher great joy to be able to identify the feathered friends that frequent their gardens. Here’s a list of some of the most popular british garden birds.

  1. House Sparrow

House Sparrows are commonly seen all over Britain all year round. They are, however, rarely found in the ‘Scottish Highlands’ and absent from upland grounds.

They usually populate and feed close to human habitation. It wouldn’t, therefore, be a surprise to see a house sparrow nesting in a garden, flittering about most comfortably, despite the human company.

They are brownish in colour with tinges of ‘grey’ and ‘black’, which are more prominent in the males than in the females. They enjoy most anything from seeds to scraps.

  1. British garden birds- The Blue Tit

Feathered in striking shades of yellow, white and blue, the ‘Blue Tit’ is an easily recognisable garden bird. They flock in families during winter and seen at feeders in groups of five or even so much as 20. They have a preference for seeds, caterpillars, insects and nuts.

Around 3,600,000 pairs breed in Britain annually, while over fifteen million or so frequent throughout the UK during the winter season. They, like the ‘House Sparrows’, do not frequent the Scottish islands but are usually found in parks, gardens and woodlands throughout England.

  1. Robin

A favourite among British bird watchers, these red-breasted, golden brown birds are known for their sweet singing as well as their violently territorial nature. ‘Robins’ frequent British gardens all year round, but are most commonly seen around Christmas. About 6,700,000 pairs annually breed in England and seen in all parts of the UK.

They are partial to worms, fruits and insects.

  1. Wren

An almost circular, small, brown bird, ‘Wrens’ are surprisingly loud when compared to their size. Wrens are the most common of all breeding birds in Britain with annual numbers going up to 8,600,000 pairs. Their numbers, however, dwindle in the winter season.

They nest all over the UK and are abundant in woodland areas. They regularly visit gardens but are rare in parts of Northern England and Scotland. They prefer spiders and insects.

  1. Chaffinch- among British garden birds

The second most common breeding bird in England, Chaffinch’s are adorned in vibrant shades of red and white. Rather on the shy side, they prefer to hide under bird feeders or hedges but easily tracked through the source of their songs.

These birds also frequent throughout the British lands, all through the year. They enjoy seeds and insects.

  1. Starling

A striking array of colours adorns Starling feathers. At a distance, they may seem black, but a closer inspection would reveal tinges of purple and green on their glossy dark feathers. They travel in flocks and quick in flight.

They are found all over Britain but are more common in Southern England than in the North and Scotland. They migrate to Britain during autumn to spend the winter.